Monday, December 31, 2007

NeW yEaR

New Year New Resolution so proposed Resolution Number 1
Get ur bump off the cosy couch ur sitting on and DRIVE ur car to a PETROL STATION ...

Lolsss i heard there would be an increase in petrol price at 2400H there was seriously SWAMPS of humans at the Petrol stations when i was there just now

So back to buisness, new resolution for 2008 well NOTHING yeah ..... seriously I DONT HAVE 1 why coz i need to be FLEXIBLE like the LIQUID ......besides there s no purpose to have a resolution since work is from 0700H till 1800H so in short terms

There are 24 H s in a day which i already spend:
8 hours in dreamland
11 hours at work which leaves me with 5 hours .....

5 hours a day lets c .... i spend 1 hour eating dinner, 1 hour toking to my darling TORTOI, Patches & Dipstick which leaves me with 3 hours to do basically NOTHING ...... so why bother with resolutions i may need to crack tis RUSTY old brains of mine to think of 1 LOLXX ....

Work so far is basically CRAP ... I m starting to feel BORED .... if its not the OLD KRANK UP RADIO working its SWAMPS of patients asking u STUPID QUESTIONS - they jus basically SHUFF the paper with the number they have and scream "WHICH COUNTER?" and look at ur face for an ans ...... arghhhh so FARKING RUDE .... TYPICAL MALAYSIANS ... so tell me should i ans them:

a) Stare at them back and tilt the head slight higher (signal of WAT U WAN)
b) Be nice and tell them where

I just dont understand the system .... like why cant the hospital jus write up a NOTE :

If ur number starts with:
6XXX ----> counter 26 / 27
2XXX ----> counter 22 / 23
1XXX ----> counter 20 / 21
5 XXX ----> counter 17 / 18
No Number --- > Wait for someone to SHOUT ur name on the microphone

P.S : If you are still having problems proceed to counter 16

Dont go swarming the entire counter 16 and the best thing of all Malaysians being Malaysians they DONT LINE UP, man where are their manners so farking rude ....

Anyway i should stop cursing its the new year rite the past is the past haizzz ..... Posted some pictures of my new pet hamsters if u guys would like to get a glimpse of them .... cchungww out !! till i update again in decades to come HAPPY NEW YEAR =P

Winnie - cocker spaniel mix daschaun?

Silkie the silky terrier as yappy as ever

Jojo - shes NOT a carpet lolxx ... she s jus OBESE

Dipstick and Patches are on Jojo the dog not CARPET

Obese Patches

Patches fav spot disturb her and she ll BITE

Patches and Dipstick sleeping

Patches - so cute feel like SQUEEZING her to death

Dipstick - love her so much