Sunday, April 20, 2008


This song is just stuck in my head for the pass 2 weeks and on going god oni knoe s why ... but hell its arrangement is like perfect jus like telling us of a hard ship of some1 and still this person did not manage to get wat he wants although there are times when his luck seems to have a turn for the change .....

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Believe it or not

Woman has Man in it;
Mrs. has Mr . in it;
Female has Male in it;
She has He in it;
Madam has Adam in it;
No wonder men always want to be inside women!
Men were born between the legs of a woman, yet men spend all their life and time trying to go back between the legs of a woman.... Why? BECAUSE THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME
Okay, Okay, it all makes sense now... I never looked at it this way before:
MEN tal illness
MENstrual cramps
MEN tal breakdown
GUY necologist
AND .. When we have REAL trouble, it's a
HIS terectomy.
Ever notice how all of women's problems start with MEN?