HeLl bReAkS lOoSe
Wow its been MoOnS since the last blog ....... nothing interesting can go on when you are working in an outpatient pharmacy .... at most u get superbly angry patients complaining why waiting time is 3 hours o saying that they need their medication fast coz of this o that excuse ......
Well was off to work like normal on a Monday morning (hell day in the hell department) for early shift at 7.30 am. Thinking i would like any other day stroll into the pharmacy on every computer and set the computer and number system then chase all my colleagues in to start work at 7.30am .... I was so wrong.
Met a colleague in the food court and then was told that hell (outpatient) was on FiRe !! first thing that strikes my mind was "u ve got to be joking rite . . . trying to trick me so that i get into trouble for not setting up the place and getting things ready for 730 shift" Little did i knoe that it was true.
As i was approaching HelL the air around was filled with a faint burn plastic smell at first and then it became thicker and much more choking aka poisonous air. Met a few of my colleagues who were in for early shift and when I told them that HeLl was on fire they gave me a disbelieve look till they saw the fireman and policemen inside ....
So called DeViL (person in charge of HeLl) for further instructions as to how we were going to resume operations when they wont let us in. After receiving instructions phoned SaTaN since he s in charge of all operations of HeLl (OP) , eArTh (IP) & HeAvEn (Pharmcare) to inform him of what has happened to one of his department
Unfortunately before i could do anything, SatAn was down wit the directors of the hospital opening a meeting in our run down pharmacist room which i only use to heat up my food hahahha ..... Anyway after a massive cleaning up job from 8 am - 11am we manage to resume operations of HeLl for the day.
Amazingly our die hard, loyal patients continued to line up in front of the counter even when we couldn't open at 0730 and we had to place our staff outside to ask them to come back at 11 am or the next day. But at 10 am we noticed the line was already 200 meters ..... @_@ yeap u ve guessed it for 2 days in a row we worked till 7 pm just to clear the crowd from the miss haps of Monday . . . . kayzz ... cchungww out !! till more happening and interesting incidents take place =)