Monday, March 26, 2007

SpAm AwAy PeOpLe

Rite i got the below e mail from Flooble staff so people jus spam away all u wan in my chatterbox huh =) cheers

Dear cchungww.

We have your name and address on file as the owner of the flooble chatterbox "cchungww". We have noticed that there has been no postst to this chatterbox lately. It is part of flooble policy to delete chatterboxes that have fallen into disuse. Therefore, unless something is posted to your flooble chatterbox, it will be deleted shortly.

If you want to avoid having your chatterbox deleted, simply go to the webpage where you have chatterbox installed, and post something to it.

If you are no longer using your chatterbox, please ignore this warning. You will only get it once, and the chatterbox, together with your profile will be deleted in a few days.

flooble staff


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